Monday, 3 November 2008


As the name says. Just that, here will be posted the artwork concerning Arcagen

Sunday, 2 November 2008

Page Uploading Poll Added

A new poll has been added to the blog(look at the sidebar, it's below my profile), and it's about how many pages of the comic should I upload per "upload session" if you know what I mean. It just takes 20-30 seconds to answer. Thank you.

Mysery Depot Webcomic

I would like to present a good one-shot webcomic, it's free and you can read it online or donwload from the official website.
The creators are Hermés Piqué(script) and Juan Romera(art).
It's a sci-fi/mistery plot for mature audiences, and here is the link:

Misery Depot banner

Saturday, 1 November 2008

The EKG Symbol

Ok, probably you don't know what the following symbol means:

Ok, this symbol represent "High Heart Frecuency", in other words, it represent a high "beat per minute" rate, meaning the character is nervous or agitated, or both. This is shown on the page 04 of the first episode, I guess you know if you are about to fall from a high place you get nervous don't you?
Ok, now maybe you are asking, why is this symbol so weird? Is it based on something or it's just a bunch of random lines?
Well, basicaly it's based on the EKG(Electrocardiogram) graphics that you can see on any Cardiologic monitor.

So that's it, I'm going to use this symbol on almost avery instance when a character suffers from physical or mental stress.

Arcagen Pages 00-05

I'm too sleepy to post a description right now.....:P....maybe tomorrow. Enjoy for now, and thanks for your support.

Monday, 27 October 2008

Arcagen 01 "Lineage". Pages 01-03

Ok, here is it. The first 3 pages of episode 01 of Arcagen, "Lineage", plus the cover and some bonus. I'll keep uploading the rest of the pages...uhmm....when I have the time to do it, plus I have to keep fixing this blog and make it enjoyable(ok ok...I know I can't make everyone happy, also, I want to be happy with it too, I must make a balance between the people's opinion and myself).
So, your thoughts about this sneak peak of the comic go here. They will be appreciated :).

You have to click on any mini-page for full view.

Thanks for your support

Sunday, 26 October 2008

Arcagen: The Blog has been opened in "Beta Stage"

Greetings all, and thanks for your visit.
The blog has been officially opened in beta stage. And with it, the first 3 pages of episode 1 of Arcagen have been posted. Take a look on the website and tell me what you think about it. With your feedback, togheter we can build a more enjoyable blog, so I'll wait for your comments :).

Wednesday, 22 October 2008


On this section you will find Miscellaneous information about the comic developments, some comments from the autor, some useful aplications and links for comic and illustration tools, or even non-arcagen related artwork.

Monday, 20 October 2008


This section has the purpose of giving the reader the knowledge and context about the Arcagen universe. Of course, this information cannot go a lot further than the one given by the comic itself, because the creator doesn't want to give mayor spoilers. This means that the database given on this section will go in parallel with the story, with some ranges of freedom independant of the main plot, so you can extract your own ideas and conclusions.

Sunday, 12 October 2008


On this section you will find the information about the mayor characters of the story.
The updates of this database will go in parallel with the pages on the Comic section.


On this section, you can watch all the pages of Arcagen that have been created.


On this section will appear every new post added to the blog.